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learn in taking.

Selasa, 01 Februari 2011

take me here --> TORONTO, CANADA <-- my city of dream!

ooohh... i wish someday i could go there!!

CN Tower in Toronto
is there any tower in Indonesia seems like this?
then, i meet my best friend wulan, she told me that she is going there at the soonest..
huuh, should i envy with her?
oohh wulan, please take me there as soon as possible ;)

and if i go there, this place will be the romantic one i ever see.... absolutely with my forever man :)

no wayyyy... see the light.. as bright as New York...... the beautiful view of CN Tower in the night...


much more for Toronto...
much more for dreaming ;)

city of dream, city to get a better life(in my thought), city to get a better education, city to get a better job.....

dear my friend wulan..
please take me there if you already stay there :)